Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 changes-breaking the dependency cycle

So with a title like that one would think I'm joining AA or some equally supportive "break the cycle" type group to help me get over a major obstacle. No. Nothing like that. I, my friends, want to break the cycle of supporting Wal-Mart with my money.

Do I think that the loss of revenue from my pocketbook will make them stand up and pay attention? No. So what do I hope to accomplish?

Truth be told, I fear that one day a trip to Wal-Mart may eventually land me in the aforementioned AA. Either that or a Valium addict. I haven't yet decided, maybe both. Why choose sides? Between rude cashiers, my children grabbing everything in sight, my filling my shopping cart with overpriced impulse purchases (yeah, so the kids get it honest, who asked you?), and the 30 plus minute checkout process, I'm just outdone with the whole thing.

I'd like to sound all responsible and say I oppose their business practices, their effect on local business, and their link to terrorist organizations (okay...I made that up), but the truth is I just want to regain some sanity.

So, I have made one trip only so far in 2013. Which in all honesty was a weak moment when I may have forgotten that it was already 2013 and that I supposedly wanted to lessen my need to drain bottles of wine in a veiled attempt at gathering supplies for my latest Pinterest project. And while that for some of you may be less than Facebook bragging status worthy, I shop there a lot. As in every couple of days a lot. So, I'm kind of at the point where I drool a bit and my hands shake as I drive by. But I'm getting better. And I have more money for wine (You didn't think that would rid myself of the need altogether did you? Haha. I work and have kids.). So, breathe easily Napa Valley, I've got your back. The loss of a few dollars revenue to some peeps in the only state where I've ever felt like I had superior breeding will be your gain.

I'll keep you guys updated. Until then if you see a woman in yoga pants (okay, okay...sweatpants) at the dollar store trying to decide between the only two brands of deodorant they have with a zen-like smile and a red wine colored stain on her t-shirt, just get out of earshot before you laugh. When I get self-conscious I tend to drink.

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